



今日は、MERCI COLOR 第一期生パーソナルカラーアナリストプロ養成短期集中講座の最終日でした。 5名の受講者全員が難関の実技試験を突破され 見事合格、MERCI COLOR認定講師1級の授与を受けられました。 受講生の方々の熱意、やる気…


It is a quite interesting content though it began to read the book introduces today when "The transfer student is Hollywood star" vespertine when friend's wife worked on the translation. Please buy it by all means when you are also good. I…


先週末から開催しておりますメルシーカラー発足後 初開催の第一期生パーソナルカラーアナリストプロ養成短期集中講座。 皆さん、それぞれ多忙な環境の中、精一杯頑張っておられます。 Personal color それぞれの似合う色を120色もの中から見極め 診断して…

Basket bouquet~ナチュラルハーモニー~

The bouquet lesson of the person who was refraining from holding a ceremony in September was done today. The amount arrangement was splendidly produced repeating a single-engined lesson for one year for today's bouquet lesson because of a …


連日、熊本は猛烈な残暑が続いていますが 皆さんお変わりないですか? ★関東は涼しいようですね。。。 kenは暑さが超苦手なので若干へたり気味なのですが 水分補給&食欲の秋さながらの食べっぷりで何とか乗り切っています。。。(笑) さて、今日の画像はい…

The door of a new life opens by knowing a personal color

In business of dawning the recess Bon Festival yesterday Merci Rose was crowded with many customers. Thank you for everybody who comes to a store. Well, the personal color diagnosis in three people was done in such and yesterday. Young man…

Japanese style arrangement on Respect for the Aged Day

Today's image is an arrangement on Respect-for-the-Aged Day that receives the request from the enterprise in Kagoshima and produced. A special exhibition sales are done in the dolphin port in Kagoshima in the end of August. 今日の画像は、…


Today's image is Mr. and Mrs. Sakamoto of Mr./Ms. who enumerated holding a ceremony in July. The demand of cool, gorgeous feeling was gotten for suitable feeling for the wedding of summer, and the wedding dress produced kyasukedobouquet an…


皆さま、大変お待たせ致しました。 MERCI ROSEでは来る 8月22日(土曜日)23日(日曜日)29日(土曜日)30日(日曜日)の合計4日間。 満を持して第一回目のパーソナルカラーアナリストプロ養成短期集中講座を初開催致します。 ★残席1名…

It finds it memories and a lot of summer

It is August from today. It is a coming that begins finally to see the blue sky and is real in summer though it was a rainy season long in which not being at the ordinary year thisyear. Wonderful memories for you a lot should be able to be…